There I was, innocently going about my day when I got that know the one, the call that lets you know the grandparents will be coming for dinner..that night! Yeah, never mind that it’s already 2:30 in the afternoon, big deal that Gram has diet restrictions, not to mention I hadn’t even finished folding the 3 piles of laundry waiting for me on the living room floor! So off I went to the store. I needed food and I needed if fast! Something that’s totally simple but looks like I slaved for hours. Luckily I have my “unexpected company..sure to please anyone” go-to appetizer to keep everyone quiet
This quick and simple winner was loved by all!! They’re so flaky, tender and such unique way to enjoy Asparagus..and the Hollandaise dip made them seem so much fancier than they! All I know is everyone was quiet & happy for about the first 6 minutes..ugh, I should’ve made more! 😉
1 package of Hollandaise Mix
A sprinkling of Italian Seasoning for the tops!
Pop open the Crescent Dough and work with it until you can cut even strips about 1/2″ wide and long enough to wrap around the length of your asparagus
Wrap one strip of dough around each spear and bake at 350 until golden
Prepare the Hollandaise Dip according to the directions
Serve warm and watch how fast they disappear!
Be careful, your unexpected company will be back real soon for sure! 😉
These look divine!!! Thanks for sharing.