Alright, Fine…I surrender!  Feel free to call the authorities and have me committed for this one!  I mean, fried Soup??  Really..?  Even I’m not blind to the sheer insanity of this creation, coupled with the equally cray-cray fact that I’m shameless enough to share it with the public!  You’ve now got a front row seat into my mind and a freakishly delicious crunchy snack to go with!  🙂

Did you know that you can fry up Ramen Soup and create a whole new noodle nosh?  I didn’t either!  This was one of those “throw caution to the wind” kitchen experiments that went horribly right!  It may be a tad bit “Redneck”, but Ramen gets goo-ood when it’s fried to a crispy, crunchy golden brown and sprinkled with its own flavor packet of ‘who-knows-what’!  You’ll want to dive head first into some super light & crunchy perfectly seasoned soup!

Such a fun & tasty alternative to Chips!  Perfect for Football snackin’ or watching old Godzilla!  🙂

Trust me, gamble the 5 cents and 10 minutes on a pack of Ramen and give it a try..go ahead..go!  The reaction you’ll get is priceless!  🙂

What you’ll need for enough Fried Ramen Soup Snacks to freak out your very own friends & family:

A pack of Ramen with it’s flavor packet (as many as you want)

Oil for frying

The guts to show how crazy you are to those closest to!


In a medium/large pot heat up the oil about 1/3 of the way up the sides.  Make sure to leave room for the oil to expand when you add the Ramen!

Crumble up the Ramen into easy to eat pieces..don’t crumble it up too much or it will become crumbs…

Drop it into the oil in batches, you don’t have to boil it first..

Drain it on paper towel and evenly season it up with the flavor packet while it’s warm…one flavor packet was enough for 2 packs of fried Ramen for me, but use both packets of flavoring if you like it more seasoned!  🙂

The serving possibilities of this snack are endless…

But, I suggest choosing the ways that create the most Ooo’s & Ahhh’s.  Freaking people out makes food taste better..haha!  🙂

Grab some Chopsticks and have fun with your fried soup!  ~Enjoy  {{GONG }}  🙂

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