Do you like salty?  Do you like sweet? Do you like a crunchy, tasty treat?  (Ignore the fact that I sound like a hungry & slightly creepy Dr. Seuss..haha)  If you answered yes to any of those questions, you are SO in the right place!  If you didn’t, might I kindly ask what’s wrong with you?  😉

Stop wiggling kids, in today’s class we will explain how you can satisfy all of those sweet & salty fantasy flavors of yours, with one pop-in-your-mouth bite.  You’ll want to pay close attention, because at the end of this post I’m going to give you a chance to WIN a huge assortment of Pretzel Crisps to make that salty/sweet dream a reality!

YES, you can win a giant (6 bags) box of assorted Pretzel Crisps & awesome extras…At. Your. Door!

Then YOU can make a ginormous-hugetastic bowl of these little guys, and “re-think your Pretzel!”

In minutes you can be indulging in one of the best treat combos since the invention of treat!  I’m talking about chewy, sweet, light & crispy Milk Dud coated Sesame Pretzel Crisps, lightly dusted in powdered sugar..that’s right!

These Muddies don’t even need any Peanut Butter, since the Sesame Seeds provide built-in nuttiness, and the Milk Duds provide the built-in Duddiness!  😉

Just think of these satisfying snacks as Muddy Buddy turned Duddy!

They’re super simple to make and such a unique crowd pleaser.  These Duddies aren’t Dud-like at all, in fact they only get tastier as they get older!  Over time, the caramel forms a smooth, slightly chewy coating underneath that light dusting of sugar.  Each bite gives  you the most amazing sweet, salty, crunchy chew…SO yummy!

What you’ll need:

1-7.2 oz. bag of Sesame Pretzel Crisps

2 Cups of Milk Duds

1/4-1/2 Cup Evaporated Milk (add until desired consistency)

1 Cup Semi Sweet Chocolate Chips (not shown)

1.5 Cups Powdered Sugar


In a medium pot, warm up the Evaporated Milk and melt in the Milk Duds..stirring constantly.  I wanted this mix to be a little bit thinner than the traditional “Muddy Buddy” mix, so the definition of the pretzels would still show!

When it’s all blended, stir in the Chocolate Chips until smooth.

Place the Pretzel Crisps into a large bowl and pour the melted Duds all over them..gently stirring them to make sure that all the Crisps are evenly coated…

Place a couple a scoops of the wet Crisps into a strainer and dust them with some of the powdered sugar.  Shake that strainer over the sink (or a paper plate to catch the excess) evenly coat the Crisps in the sugar.  Place them onto some parchment paper to set up for about 10 minutes…

Now they’re ready to share…

If you can give some of them up!  ~Enjoy!  🙂

Here’s how YOU can score this massive supply of Pretzel Crisps PLUS EXTRAS!

1.  SIMPLY “LIKE” Pretzel Crisps on facebook, click right here—> PRETZEL CRISPS!  Write “Oh Bite It sent me” on their timeline.

2.  SIMPLY Like “OH, Bite It” on facebook, click right here—->OH Bite IT

3.  If you’re already a fan of Oh, Bite It on facebook, then just go to my —> facebook page , find today’s ‘Pretzel Crisps Muddy Duddies’ post and “share” it on facebook..then enter “shared” in the facebook comment thread!  ~That’s IT!

GOOD LUCK!  🙂  The winner will be chosen by me, by Monday Dec. 31, 2012..and contacted by facebook msg. or email!

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