Oh~~My~~GOSH!  I never thought a Potato could get any better, it is after all, the perfect food!  BUT…when whole Potatoes simmer all day in a Creamy ‘Gravy’, there are no words that can explain how ultra-great they become.  Crack into those hot, steamy, soft and fluffy Potatoes, as they get coated in that thick, creaminess…Ahhh~To. Die. For!

~Softer than the softest Potato you’ve ever had…fluffier than the fluffiest Potato that you’ve ever had….tastier & creamier than..well, you get it..haha!

Seriously though, this is the easiest and tastiest Crock-Pot creation I’ve ever had.  No peeling, slicing, chopping or cutting~just put your whole Potatoes in the Crock-Pot, set it (and you won’t forget it, you’ll be thinking about them ALL day!)

Let them do their thing and BOOM…the most perfect Potatoes are ready and waiting for you!

What you’ll need:

A Crock-Pot…

Potatoes..one per person

1 can of Cream of Chicken Soup per 4 Potatoes

1 soup can-full of Water per 4 Potatoes

Salt & Pepper..optional, but the Pepper is SO good!

OPTIONAL~ Make it a meal by adding in some Keilbasa, Green Chile, Chicken, OR Bacon along with the Taters! 🙂


Add your whole Potatoes, Soup, Water and S&P (or any seasonings you’d like) into the Crock-Pot…

Set it to High, wait about 6-8 hours, depending on the size of your Crock-Pot and how many Potatoes you make…they’re done when they’re SUPER soft and creamy!

One “poke” and you’ll know when they’re ready!  Serve them up…


Share with those you love..lol!

And dig in!  ~Enjoy!  🙂


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