I’m always looking for new and exciting ways to jazz up Cranberry Sauce.  It’s a tabletop necessity at the holidays, and I really do love it, but I always…and I mean ALWAYS, have some leftover!  I wanted to come up with a delicious way to incorporate it into a totally new, and tasty treat!  And here we are!

This is what I like to make the morning after, when everyone is looking for something easy, and NEW!  One square of this and your ‘day after’ breakfast is served!  Nutty and warm Cornbread wraps itself around tart & sweet cranberries and the balance is pure heaven!

~Not to mention that you now have a beautiful and edible centerpiece for the table…SCORE!  🙂

What you’ll need:

A square 8×8 baking dish, lined with parchment

a stick, knife or anything you can use to swirl…

One box of Cornbread mix…or feel free to make your own..YUM!

One cup of Cranberry Sauce…your fave!  Whole berry or the jelly version is fine!


Mix up the Cornbread batter according to the directions and pour it into the pan.

Dollop the Cranberry Sauce evenly onto the batter…

Now, with a stick, evenly swirl it all around…make it pretty because it will kind of stay this way…

Bake it at 350 degrees for approx. 20 minutes, or until it’s golden and cooked all the way through.

Let it cool before cutting it into squares…

Serve it up!

And DIG IN!  ~Enjoy! : )

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