So if you’ve been here for a while now, I’m sure you’ve figured out that I’m crazy about culinary mash-ups.. yep, that magnificent marriage of 2 delicious things to make one, glorious, even more delicious thing. If you’re new here, this recipe will be a fun and tasty little example of exactly what I mean.
I present to you, Froodles!
Yes..froodles, they’re as much fun to say as they are to eat.. (almost). So what exactly are “Froodles”? They’re simply what happens when fries are twisted and turned, boiled until tender, smothered in delicious chili/cheesy goodness, and become succulent, soft and scrumptious noodles – Fries + Noodles = Froodles.
And when I say noodles, don’t let that fool you. These fry ‘noodles’ are exploding with the flavors that only chili and cheese can bring, all brought to you in the cutest way EVER. Treat these fries like a typical plate of noodles that have been kicked up a notch or 2 by the all mighty potato.
Ditch that wimpy wet and sticky noodle, and get partying with these perfect potatoes that are dripping in all things chili cheese fries, let that fork go crazy and swirl those froodles around and into your mouth where they belong.
I mean, look at these delectable Froodles. Or if you don’t want to look, at least say “Froodles”..go’s fun. 🙂
In a matter of minutes, your friends and family can be froodling all over the place. Make LOTS! me.
What you’ll need:
A spiralizer found here > “SPIRALIZER”
3-4 med/lg. potatoes
2 cups of chili~ I used Hormel
salt and pepper to taste
Spiralize all the potatoes~
Fill a pot with water and salt it generously.
Now, into the boiling water they go…
Until they’re firm, yet tender…
Then drain them very well…
Toss the froodles with the parmesan…
and the cheese, salt and pepper to taste…
mix it up until they’re well combined and evenly coated..
Now put the froodles back into the pot and heat them up with the chili.
Plate up a pretty pile…
And get to fork twirling those froodles! ~Enjoy! 🙂