How often do you get excited when you get the mail these days? Not often you say?!
Do you remember the days, in a land far, far away// waaay before adulting set in.. when getting the mail was fun, it was exciting.. and it didn’t consist of bills and junk mail.. and uhhh.. bills?! Those were the days weren’t they?
Well, I think I found a little something that will help you to recreate some of that childhood-mail-getting-excitiment, it’s called Daily Goodie Box, it’s real.. and it’s SPECTACULAR! It’s simply an adorable box, literally STUFFED with unique and delicious tasty treats, beauty baubles, and coupons galore, all at your door.. could you ask for more!? 😉
Daily Goodie Box is a monthly subscription box that delivers happiness. Happiness that will make you remember why you enjoyed getting the mail when you were a child.. tasty & FUN childlike happiness!