These are EPIC~~  That’s all!

Just close your eyes and imagine for a moment, everything you love about Rice Krispie Treats taken to an unimaginable level of awesomeness by only the BEST sinful snack spread in the world..NUTELLA!   🙂

NOW//Open your eyes~~  VOILA!!  You’re!  🙂


What you’ll need:

6 cups of Rice Krispies

40 regular sized Marshmallows

3 tablespoons Butter

1 cup of Nutella


In a double boiler over medium heat melt the Marshmallows and butter…

Stir until it’s smooth, and then swirl in the Nutella…

In a LARGE bowl add the Rice Krispies and then mix the Marshmallows into them.  STIR with all you have!! If you do this right, you will burn off at least two portions!  🙂

Pour the mixture into a greased pan..I used a square one.  Let them set up until they’re totally cool, or you just can’t take it anymore~  whichever comes first! 🙂


Feast your eyes…

Go crazy if you’d like, and top them with some more Nutella…

Find someone to love and S.H.A.R.E.

But go crazy you will…

Wipe some of that crazy of your chin..jeez!  ~Enjoy!  🙂



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