~Clam Chowder & Cracker BOMBS!
So I was recently inspired by a rather unappetizing clam chowder recipe that I saw making its way through cyber space, and instead of gagging, like the rest of the world.. I thought, "hmmm.. what borderline disgusting thing can I do with this soup, that won't actually...
~Corn Dog Doughnut Holes!
Have you ever wondered what a bite-size corn dog nuggets, perfectly fried to doughnutty sweet/savory perfection would taste like? No..? well, just in case it ever crosses your mind ... here we are! These fluffy fried corn dog doughnut holes offer everything we know...
~Apple STUFFED Funnel Cake!
Imagine if you will, a culinary collision of the state fair and fall. I'm talking about something fried like funnel cake, and something fall.. like apples..lol. I've magically morphed our favorite fall fruit with our favorite fried fair fare and here we are. .....
~Pumpkin Spice Pizza!
Well, this crazy combo is only obvious... right? I mean, Pumpkin Spice + PIZZA = umm, 2 great things that together, will become one giant GREAT thing?! At least that was the hope, and depending on your mental state... it definitely delivered lol! Sweet & savory,...
~Cinnamon Roll Stuffed Sugar Cookies!
If there were a 'match.com' for food~ I think I'd be qualified to own it. I mean, just look at this deliciously unique union! A warm glazed sugar cookie, gets slightly crispy and chewy, as it lovingly snuggles a fluffy, cinnamony, cinnamon roll, in the most...
~Fairy Monkey Bread!
So, I just learned about Fairy Bread (OH MY GOSH) .. and now I want to 'Fairy' all the things! Lucky us! 😉 What you'll need: 1 container of Pillsbury Flaky Layers Biscuits (8 count) 1 cup heavy cream 1 cup milk 1 cup dry Funfetti cake mix 2 eggs 1 16 oz....