Summer is almost here and that means snacking, lots of fruit.. and ummm..more snacking! Spending time in the kitchen isn’t on that list however, .. in fact, we can all agree that spending as little time as possible inside the hot kitchen during the summer is the goal..right?
Well, this is your lucky day, because I’m about to share with you a way to accomplish tons of snacking, ..in record kitchen-time..including FRUIT!
~Yep, it’s true! Thanks to the T-fal 5 Second Chopper, you will check fruit, snacks, and time-saved, off of your summertime to-do list!
- Efficient in just 5 seconds and uses zero electric power
- Ideal for salsa, sauces, guacamole, meats, fruits, vegetables, and baby food
- Comfortable, smooth pulling knob operation
- Cutting case and blades are dishwasher safe; lid should be hand washed only
- Lifetime warranty
Starting with this flavorful and refreshing Razzle Dazzle Salsa!
What you’ll need:
A T-fal 5 Second Chopper > found here! …OR any chopper and/or a knife!
FYI: You can mix and match the fruit according to your taste and availability.
1 Cup of Strawberries..chopped in small pieces
1 Cup of Blueberries..left whole
1 Cup of fresh Cranberries..cut in half
1 Cup of Blackberries..left whole
1 small Apple…diced
1 Jalapeno Pepper..diced small! (Optional)
2 med. Tomatillos..chopped (of you can’t find Tomatillos in your store, just leave them out)
1 Orange worth of zest and its juice!
1 Cup of Cilantro..chopped
1/2 Cup Apple Jelly
In a med. bowl mix together the Apple Jelly, the Zest & Juice from the Orange, and the diced Jalapeno. Microwave the mixture for about 20 seconds just to smooth out any lumps…
After you’ve chopped all the fruit, add it all into a large bowl and gently mix in the Cilantro. Mix carefully so you don’t break any of the whole fruits.
Add the Apple Jelly Glaze to the fruit and let it sit and absorb the flavors! Stir them every now and then to keep them evenly coated in the Glaze…
Serve chilled with some yummy chips!! ~Enjoy! 🙂
Be sure to check out T-fal all across social and share the LOVE!