There aren’t many gifts you can give your guy that says ‘love’, quite the way bacon does! Especially heart shaped bacon..seriously?!  Sure he’ll appreciate anything, but cute & adorable bacon?  ..Now that’s gonna touch his heart!!  😉 

Besides, the poor guy is going to be SO exhausted from all the planning, cooking and cleaning he’s done for you during Valentine’s “week”, that he’s totally gonna need a breakfast in!  Especially a crispy bacon heart filled with a perfectly fried egg breakfast! 


This quick & easy breakfast is as delicious as it is cute, and sure to score you some major “honey-do list” points!  Now, I’m not saying that this recipe will get him to put his socks in the hamper, but he might take a few extra seconds to at least throw them in the right direction! 😉

What you’ll need:

A griddle





Take 2 strips of bacon and form them into a heart shape, crisp up both sides on the griddle


When the bacon is almost done, crack an egg inside the heart and cook it to your liking!


Serve with a smile, some coffee..and then slip him the “honey-do list” ! 

~Enjoy!  🙂




Okay..maybe let him go back to bed for a while before the “”honey-do list”..maybe!  😉

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