Do you ever get tired of using chips in your Nachos?  No, you don’t??  Neither do I..haha!  😉

But, let’s face it.. sometimes it’s totally fun to turn an appetizer or basic TV watching snack into a hearty side dish, or even a lite meal!  Potatoes make great “chips” for Nachos!  They’re strong, tasty and go oh sooo well with Bacon & Cheese!  And what a perfect way to use up those leftover Baked Potatoes just sitting there silently begging for attention!

Not to mention that they’re a you know what that means..yep, these are healthy!  😉

You can jazz up these Nachos however you like.  The firm Potato slices can even stand up to some pulled pork for a BBQ style Nacho platter..Mmm!

The possibilities are endless!  Switch up your snackin’ and give these tasty taters a try!  🙂

What you’lll need:

As many (fresh or already baked) Potatoes as you think you can handle!

1 lb. crispy & crumbled Bacon

1 tbsp. Cumin

1 tbsp. Chile Powder

Olive or Vegetable Oil

A large Zipper baggie

Your favorite Nacho Toppings..


Peel and slice up the potatoes into about 1/4″ disks

Add them into the Zipper bag and drizzle the oil into it, then add the spices & shake it up, until all the taters are evenly coated!

Grill them up until they’re golden on both sides (may take a bit longer if you started with raw Taters)

Start layering them with the cheeses and toppings.

Put them into the oven at 350 for a few minutes to melt together (may take a bit longer if you started with raw Taters)

Serve up an ooey-gooey cheesy plate full and dig in!  ~Enjoy!  🙂

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