Let’s get this out of the way first, because I know all of you very well by now…YES, you can add Bacon to these cookies!
..whew, there, moving on! LOL! 🙂
I finally came to terms with the fact that the only reason I was eating Pancakes & Waffles was because it’s a much more socially acceptable way to enjoy Syrup than just chugging it.
Admitting that has liberated me so much that I’ve boldly started incorporating obscene amounts of Maple Syrup into regular recipes…and I’m not even ashamed of myself..no I’m not! 😉
I’m talking about warm, sticky, Maple Syrup Cookies that have a one-of-a-kind, totally amazing flavor and chew! They’re beyond delicious and addictive! It’s incredible what Syrup does to a Cookie! One dunk into some hot Coffee and you can call it a day..ahhh!
What you’ll need for a simple & sinful syrupy, super succulent stack of Maple Syrup Cookies:
1 Box of Spice Cake Mix..yep, cake mix, told ya it was simple! 🙂
1 Cup of Maple Syrup (to replace one cup of the liquid on the box directions)
1-1/2 cups of Flour (not shown)
1 Cup of roughly chopped up Maple Nut Goodies Candy..optional!
Chop up the Maple Nut Goodies…
Mix up the Cake batter, but replace one cup of water with the Syrup…
Fold in the Flour and Maple Nut Goodies until it’s thick.
Scoop approx. 2 tbsp. of the Cookie Dough onto a greased baking sheet at least 2″ apart. Bake them at 350 for about 12 minutes, or until they’re golden and firm. ~Serve them warm, and sink into the most indulgent, chewy Maple Cookie ever! ~Enjoy! 🙂
I love maple syrup and easy cookies. This recipe has both! My family just received a gallon size jug of maple syrup, so I think I might open it and make some of these. Wonder if vanilla cake mix would take good too?
Do you mix the cake mix as directed on box replacing syrup for water? Then add flour and goodies? Or do you just add the water and syrup?
I think you make them as she instructed because they are cookies, not cake. I had to think about that too. The cake mix is just for flavor.
“Mix up the Cake batter, but replace one cup of water with the Syrup…”
Makes me think you mix the cake batter as directed on the box, replacing 1 c. water with 1 c. maple syrup. Hope that’s what she meant, as I mixed it that way and the cookies are in the oven now! 🙂 It makes some sense, though, otherwise you wouldn’t have the eggs in the cookie dough that you would need for binding, etc. I don’t have any of those Maple Goodies on hand, though, so I chopped up some honey roasted peanuts instead. *fingers crossed*
She does not list eggs in “what you need”. I have made cookies using cake mix and you do not add the eggs or oil. I will try these without. Sound yummy!
On FaceBook, Oh Bite It replied “Yes, mix the batter as if it were a cake and add the extra flour.” But remember to substitute one cup of Maple Syrup for water.