
It started out as a typical “Sandwich Night” at my house, a.k.a..”Fix whatever the heck you want, cuz I’m tired night!”  And ended up being the perfect opportunity to use up all those straggler sandwich supplies just hanging around in the fridge!  🙂

Even though this meant that “fix whatever you want” turned into me doing all the fixing, it was so easy that it was almost like I did nothing..haha!  But the payoff was huge, how often does that happen?!

~These Sammies are so tasty, ooey and cheesy gooey, with a Mustard crusted bottom that takes each bite over the top!

I highly recommend making simple and yummy a batch of these ooey-gooey Sammies the next time you need a quick dinner fix!

What you’ll need for 6 super sized Sammies (feel free to modify these ingredients to meet your likes/needs):

8 oz. Sliced Swiss Cheese

1 lb. Sliced Ham

2 cups Shredded Mozzarella

1/4 cup Mustard..or to taste

12 slices of thick and good bread (I used buttered Texas Toast)

An oven -safe casserole dish


Spread the Mustard in the bottom of the Casserole pan…

Layer your Sammies with the Cheese and Ham evenly so they all get the same amount, place the other slce of Bread on top…

Top the whole shebang with the Shredded Cheese…

And into the oven it goes at 350 degrees for approx. 25 minutes, or until they are golden and gooey…

Make sure to share while they’re good and hot…

These are “Plate” Sammies, not “Hand” Sammies..lol

Unless, of course…you’re alone!  ~Enjoy!  🙂


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