So, I posted a question on Facebook asking my reader’s to suggest a future Oh, Bite It creation, and the suggestion that received the most ‘likes would be brought to life by me!

WOW~  SOoo many great ideas came out of  your incredibly creative minds, and I do plan on using some of those as well!  But for now, here’s the top suggestion that ran away with the ‘likes’ to the tune of 27 likes and counting… “Fully loaded baked potatoes in a way like no other”//courtesy of Susan Alton!  Well, my wheels started spinning, one..because I love anything and everything Potato, and two…because why the heck haven’t I done more with Potatoes??!  🙂

Anyway, thanks to we are, and I couldn’t be happier!  I think you’ll agree when you get a ‘load’ of this adorable, tater-skin filled cup of creamy, cheesy, bacon filled AND topped, buttery, colossal casserole of crazy-creation goodness!

~I’ll never look at loaded potato skins in the same way again~  EVER!  🙂

~This idea takes those informal Potato Skins that we all know and love, from an appetizer to a main course, 5 star side-dish, in the cutest and most delicious way EVER!

Make this super simple side or light brunch, the next time you’re in need of some loud Oooh’s and Ahh’s in your life…seriously!

What you’ll need:

4-6 medium/large russet potatoes

1/2 -1 stick of taste

1/2 cup Sour Cream

1 cup Milk

1 cup Shredded Cheddar Cheese

1/2 cup chopped Scallions

1/2 lb. Bacon..crispy

Salt and Pepper to taste

A muffin tin


Bake the Potatoes until they’re tender, I like to use the Microwave…sorry lol

Let them cool, and while they’re cooling prepare the filling.  Chop the Scallions and set aside…

Now cut the cooled Potatoes in half..horizontally…

In a medium, sauce pan, melt the butter and the milk together until they’re combined…

Gently scoop out the inside of the cut Potatoes and place the flesh into a large bowl.  Make sure to leave a small border so it holds the shape of a cup!  If necessary, you can cut an ever-so-slight cut in the bottom of the cups to make them level. Just make sure not to cut into the cup!!

In a large bowl with the flesh of the Potatoes, combine the Milk & Butter mixture, and mash, mash mash..until they’re super can also add some salt and pepper if  you’d like!  Keep in mind, only use as much liquid as you think you’ll need to make it creamy..don’t over do it!  A few splashes at a time!  🙂

Now it’s time to add in all the fixin’s!  Sitr in the Cheese, Sour Cream, Crumbled & Crispy Bacon, and the Scallions…

Fill up each Potato Cup…be generous, they’re beautiful when they’re

Top them all generously with some more Cheese…yep~ more cheese!

Now bake them at 425 degrees for about 12 minutes OR until the tops are nice and gooey and the center is good and hot!  Let them cool~

Grab a plate and watch the people gather around…

Remember to top them with some more of your fave toppings…

Now~  DIG IN!  ~Enjoy!  🙂






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