It seems as though things are a-changin’ in the ‘get our drunk tipsy-on’ department.  It has taken a tipsy-turn for the fun.  And by fun, I mean…we’re ditching that good old, trusty shot glass made of umm..boring glass, for a more yummy and super fun, booze-delivery method.

Gone are the days when we were expected to chase that shot with a cool and comforting drink, Oh noooo, we can chase it with a delicious tantalizing treat.  What a great time to be!!

I’ve kind of taken this edible shot glass trend to unheard of levels by raising the booze-filled-shot-glass-bar waaay, WAY  high, with this cool and delicious ‘cinnamony’ concoction.

Yep~  now you can slam that booze and quickly follow it up with a delicious, frosted and fun cinnamon roll ‘shot glass’… you. are. welcome.  😉

These are so good you won’t know what to do with yourself.  And on that note, be very careful because they’re so tasty, you could easily forget that they’re also uh ~ boozy!

I chose to use Bailey’s for this recipe just to stay inside that creamy cinnamon roll flavor neighborhood, but feel free to totally explore other ‘flavorhoods’ and give different types of booze a “shot’ too. < see what I did there?  😉

In a matter of minutes, you will go from average-Joe to ROCK STAR-Joe..haha!  CHEERS!

~Make LOTS!

What you’ll need:

shot glasses

1 container of cinnamon rolls.. (8 count)

cinnamon for sprinkling

non-stick spray

alcohol for your shots..I used Bailey’s


Spray the inside of the shot glasses with a light coating of non-stick spray…

Now simply cut the cinnamon rolls in half and gently ball them up, carefully placing the dough ball down into the glass.  IF your shot glasses are a bit larger, don’t cut the roll and use the entire thing.

Now bake them at 350 degrees for approx. 15 minutes or just until they puff up and turn slightly golden.

While they’re still warm, press the inside of the roll down with a like-sized handle, making sure not to push through the bottom of the roll…

Let them cool COMPLETELY…

Carefully run a knife around the inside edge if necessary, and they should pop right out.

Now, slightly warm up the enclosed frosting and dip the rims into it..coating generously…

Le them set up for a few minutes …

While you wait, you can ooh and ahhh over how adorable they are…

Time to fill them up!  Be sure to fill them right before serving, as they will get soggy and spring leaks fairly quickly.

And serve them up…

Share with your family and friends…

Then, drink them up.  ~Enjoy & CHEERS!  🙂



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