snack simply, live fully

At bare, we all agree less is more. From the ingredients in our snacks to the way we live our lives, we believe it’s the simple things that make life a little fuller.


from source-to-chip

Our snacks start with real fruit picked at its ripest and sliced just right. We then slowly oven-bake each batch to a caramelized crunch. Now you can satisfy your craving for crunch with the goodness of fruit.


a reflection of who we are

Our chips are a reflection of who we are. In the middle of San Francisco, you’ll find big thinking by a small team that’s dedicated to upholding the bare values through our products, operations, and company culture. These are four values we hold dear and will stick to no matter what:

goodness, inside and out

Our snacks must taste good and be good for you, and it matters that we respect the earth and others in the process. We treat ourselves, our partners, and nature’s bounty with respect.

b-corp certified

Our B Corp certification means we, without question, put in extra elbow grease to meet rigorous social and environmental performance standards set by B Lab, the governing organization for B Corp. Our business strives to strike the right balance between good for you and good for the planet.

commitment to non-gmo

Our commitment to Non-GMO reflects our belief that simple, unadulterated ingredients make for the absolute best products. We put our foot down every time, saying no to GMO.


we believe the less you add, the more you actually taste

We slice real fruit and veggies and bake them up slowly for a one-of-a-kind crunch.

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