TresOmega products are 100% certified organic and have been nurtured with care and integrity. Our farmers rely on Mother Nature and hard work to grow their crops, not synthetic fertilizers, herbicides, and pesticides. TresOmega is a reflection of our farmers’ reverence for the land and the importance of harmony between Mother Nature and the farmer. Quality is always of the utmost importance.
Our farmers provide the purest of products in exchange for a fair market price. By purchasing TresOmega products, you are supporting a viable economic livelihood for our farmers and promoting a sustainable agricultural environment for future generations.
May is Celiac Awareness Month and we’re celebrating by showing how everyone and anyone can become a celiACTIVIST! Celiac disease is serious and affects an estimated 3 million Americans, but many people still don’t know about it. Now is a chance to educate and enlist the support of our family and friends in ways that fit your lifestyle.
How to be a CeliACTIVIST | Video | CeliACTIVIST Infographic | Hashtag
Check out this incredible deal that Tresomega Nutrition is offering in honor of Celiac Awareness Month:
Next month Tresomega Nutrition will be having a significant discount on a one case of pasta (12 boxes) for $39.48 + free shipping! You can choose from Elbows, Spaghetti, Penne and Fusilli or a variety of them all!
Also, they will be offering four 5lb bags for $98.00 + free shipping! That is $24.50 per bag! You can choose from Elbows, Spaghetti, Penne and Fusilli!
Tresomega Nutrition pasta is made from three ingredients. It’s a unique blend of organic Royal Bolivian Quinoa, organic Amaranth, a grain rich in vitamins and minerals, and organic white rice. Their pasta won the Masters of Taste™ award that was judged by Chefs from across America.