TresOmega products are 100% certified organic and have been nurtured with care and integrity. Our farmers rely on Mother Nature and hard work to grow their crops, not synthetic fertilizers, herbicides, and pesticides. TresOmega is a reflection of our farmers’ reverence for the land and the importance of harmony between Mother Nature and the farmer. Quality is always of the utmost importance.
Our farmers provide the purest of products in exchange for a fair market price. By purchasing TresOmega products, you are supporting a viable economic livelihood for our farmers and promoting a sustainable agricultural environment for future generations.
Organic Quinoa Pasta, Elbows 8oz
TresOmega is committed to bringing you great tasting, wholesome products using quality ingredients as part of a healthy lifestyle. Our TresOmega Nutrition Organic pasta is made with a unique blend of organic quinoa – a nutrient packed superfood, organic amaranth an ancient grain rich in vitamins and minerals, and organic rice. Gluten-free, corn-free, and certified organic, our easy-to-make pasta doesn’t come out mushy like other gluten-free pastas.

Tresomega Nutrition Organic Quinoa pasta is delicious in pasta salads, with sauces or as a main or side dish.
Gluten Free and Wheat Free – ideal for Celiac patients and those who have wheat related allergies
Excellent source of magnesium, folate, and phosphorus
Complete protein – Contains all nine essential amino acids
Contains high amounts of calcium, magnesium, potassium, phosphorus, copper, manganese, and zinc
Exceptional protein source for Vegetarians and Vegans
An absolute source of riboflavin (B2) necessary for proper energy production within cells
The nutritional protein in Quinoa is similar to that of dried whole milk*
No cholesterol or trans fat
High amount of lysine, required for the growth and repair of body tissue
And NOW for the “Crispy Mac-n-Cheese” recipe!
Thanks to the incredible quality of TresOmega Nutrition, I was able to create this simple, and impressive snack that’s not only delicious, but a conversation starter as well!
Whether it’s for game-day…
ORrr.. midnight snack…
TreSomega and a handful or 10 2 of these babies will have you covered!
What you’ll need:
2 cups of TresOmega Nutrition Quinoa Elbows Pasta
your fave seasonings.. I used garlic powder, salt, and pepper
oil for frying
cheese sauce for dipping
boil the pasta until tender…
let it cool and dry completely
Now fry it up in the hot (350 degree) oil
Season while hot…
Serve it up…
and eat it up! ~Enjoy! 🙂