How to Get Back Into an Exercise Routine!

Starting an exercise routine is hard and sticking with one can be even more difficult. When things go sideways, and you fall off the wagon and miss several days or weeks of exercise, it can be hard to find the motivation to get back to it. 

Don’t be discouraged. Most people experience setbacks on the road to better health. Dominique Fradin-Read is a health expert who assists people in achieving wellness. Getting back into your exercise groove doesn’t have to be hard. Here are some top expert tips for getting in shape again.

Don’t Give Up

Setbacks are a normal part of any trip and this definitely applies to your wellness journey. Whether you’ve just missed a few workouts or have gone totally off-base, it’s never too late to begin again. 


Assess Your Routine

The key to establishing, and sticking with, a routine is to make it yours. This means that your routine should be a reflection of what you like and what works best for you.

Before you start up a new exercise schedule, it’s important to understand what made you leave it to begin with. Did you like the type of exercise you were doing? Was the location you exercised at too far, too expensive or otherwise difficult to get to?

It’s also important to look at your motivation. Exercising isn’t just about weight loss or achieving a certain look. It’s about your overall health and well-being.  Successful, long-term exercisers find motivation in many different places and don’t rely on a scale number to keep them going.

Try Something New

If you’re stuck in an exercise rut, it may be time to try something new. Taking up a new fitness hobby doesn’t have to be expensive. In fact, it’s best to try out several things to see what piques your interest. If you already have a hobby you enjoy, it may be as simple as enlisting some company or finding a new place to try it out.

Enjoy walking but sick of your current route? Find some new hiking spots local to you or get adventurous and set out on a day trip to a totally new spot. If you’re looking at taking up a new sport, taking a few introductory lessons is a great way to try something out without a big commitment. Beginning teachers may even have some loaner equipment for you to use while learning. Buying used equipment or buying from friends is another excellent option.

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