There is a lot of consideration that one has to take when buying and selecting fresh produce. According to the Center for Disease Control, only about nine percent of Americans hit their five-a-day fruit and vegetable quota. Therefore, no product can be considered imperfect. Still, when you involve yourself in storage strategies and savvy shopping, you can save a lot of your precious dollars, make your fresh produce purchase last longer and steer away from harmful bacteria. Here is a guide flyer Walmart on tips to remember when out buying your fruits and vegetables.

Squeeze Lightly

Ripe fruits are usually soft when put under pressure. When you are looking for bananas, pears, avocados, and other fruits, squeeze them lightly to determine if they are ripe. You can also buy hard ones so that they may continue ripening and softening if you are not using them urgently, because they will continue to soften when kept under room temperature. On the other hand, some fruits such as apples are naturally hard when you exert pressure on them. This means the soft ones could be spoil there already.

Buy in-season Vegetables and Fruits

Different types and varieties of fruits and vegetables will grow at other points of the year. Therefore, you will find foods that are outside of the season very expensive in the stores. The increased expense of the shipment of fruits and vegetables will be passed down to the consumers and buyers. It would be best to buy in-season vegetables and fruits to enjoy better quality on the market and at low prices.

Consider Canned or Chilled Food Options

Supposing you are looking for pre-cut produce, then you need to purchase frozen vegetables and fruits. This ensures that the canned products will not go bad faster. Alternatively, you can opt for canned foods even if they have high sodium content, and they usually contain high amounts of nutrients, just like the fresh and frozen ones.

Choose Chilled Produce

When you are at a restaurant looking for fresh fruits and vegetables, consider choosing products that are surrounded by ice or refrigerated. The cold temperatures ensure that they remain untouched for a long. It is essential that vegetables and fruits which are opened or halved in any way be stored or displayed in a chilled environment.

Select Vibrate and Colorful Produce

Ensure that you select a diverse range of colorful fresh produce. Different colored fruits and vegetables contain various phytochemicals that contain varying nutritional benefits.

Avoid Bruised or Damaged Produce


Bruised and damaged produce gives space for bacteria to hide and spread to other parts rapidly. Furthermore, when the products are damaged, they become less tasty and lose their nutrient content.

Compare the Prices

Consider checking the price difference between prepackaged produce and loose produce. Selecting a loose, single-unit product is much better for the value of your money compared to choosing prepackaged options. Additionally, when you choose the goods in person, you will be able to pick better quality vegetables and fruits.


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