Price: $12.99
Reading with awareness. Justine Green wrote her first book, Completely Me, based on her own life and experience with Artesia and Microtia to influence and educate about children with disabilities. Justine is an educator, disability advocate, author, and member of the Society of Children’s Book Writers and Illustrators. Their goal with Green Rose is to promote empathy, inclusion and make a positive difference for people with disabilities. Through educating children using books, they hope to help them understand and accept those who are different and teach that everyone’s unique qualities should be celebrated. Green Rose’s collection inspires children their imperfections are what make them perfect.

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The four-time award winning children’s book series by Justine Green, Ed.D. and illustrated by Ana Luisa Silva begins with a coming-of-age story that addresses issues related to children with disabilities with an inspiring sense of personal empathy.