About Us
FurZapper ™ is a patent-pending product that was created to provide pet owners with a simple, self-cleaning product that will help keep pet fur off of your laundry. Pet hair and fur has a tendency to embed and weave itself into sweaters, jackets, blankets and nearly every textile.
Even the most efficient washer and dryer system still requires picking out the fur, or lint-rolling clothing even after a long cycle of tumbling through liquids, detergents, fabric softeners, and the heat and circulation of a dryer.
The FurZapper material provides a flexible, tacky surface that temporarily grabs onto pet fur. It adheres to the pet fur, and then quickly releases it into the washer or dryer to be flushed or blown away. This specialized material does not allow any material to permanently stick to it.
The FurZapper shape has been tested and fine-tuned for optimal performance. It’s small enough to fit between clothing as it tumbles and oscillates, and shaped to ensure it has an effective surface area without sticking to the sides of your clothing machines.
Our company is always open to new ideas and suggestions, so if you have any questions or comments, please contact us.

Got pet fur? On your clothes? On your laundry?
Do you wash and dry and still have pet hair all over?
FurZapper removes pet hair from your clothing while you wash and dry your clothes.
FurZapper helps remove fur, hair, lint, dander and other debris on your clothes, bedding, jackets, dresses, blankets, sheets and anything that you wash and dry.
FurZapper is the ultimate fur, hair, lint, dander and other debris eliminator. All you have to do is toss it in with your clothes, dresses, blankets, sheets, and anything you wash and dry. It transfers from the washer to the dryer to keep clothes pet hair free. Often, users will find the FurZapper is so effective that it will fill the lint trap with pet hair, fur and lint no matter how much static cling the items you’re washing might have.
Double Pack FurZapper Pet Hair Remover for your Laundry
- Removes Pet Hair From Clothes and Laundry
- Double-pack best for up to 2 Medium-Sized Pets
- S ave Money on Detergent, Water, and Time!
- Re-Usable, Hypoallergenic, Skin Safe
Say Hello to Fur Zapper, the Patented Fur Remover for your Laundry! The best and only Pet Hair Remover for Your Laundry. A 2-pack is Great for larger furry households (2 or more shedding pets). Use both in the washer and then both in the dryer (works best in dryer). FurZappers last for 100+ uses and more of washes and drying cycles, and is guaranteed to gently pull Dog or Cat Fur from your Laundry. Better than a lint roller, dryer sheets, or any home made recipe you can find online.
FurZapper removes pet hair from your clothing while you wash and dry your clothes.
FurZapper helps remove fur, hair, lint, dander and other debris on your clothes, bedding, jackets, dresses, blankets, sheets and anything that you wash and dry. FurZapper is made from a very soft, tacky, flexible material that grabs dog or car fur and hair, pulls it from the clothes, and washes it down the drain or into your lint trap. The patented pet fur remover helps remove fur, hair, lint, dander and more on your clothes, pet bed, jackets, blankets, and more.
FurZapper 2-PACK- Pet Hair and Fur Remover For Laundry