Raw honey infused with Vitamins in a Tasty Stick!
Ditch hard-to-swallow Vitamin pills and gummies with Bizi Vitamin Honey, a tasty blend of raw honey infused with select certified vitamins in a honey stick.  Available in 3 different vitamin blends, including vitamin B, C, or D3, it’s a healthier, tastier, and much more convenient way to get your daily dose!  Bizi Vitamin Honey’s easy to open honey sticks can be eaten straight or added to any food or drink—perfect for your breakfast, smoothies, and oatmeal, coffee, and so much more. Vitamin Honey is clean and simple, with none of the extra additives found in many over-the-counter vitamins. Harvested from small farms in the U.S.A., Bizi gets all of its honey raw, ensuring that the honey has all of the micronutrients still in it! Vitamin Honey is convenient for home, office, or on the go—ideal for travel! Gluten-free. Vitamin Honey is safe for children over one year of age. Available in monthly subscription packs, so you never miss a dose.

Our Combination of Raw Honey with Pure Vitamins Makes Taking Your Daily Dose Easy and Tasty!


  • 3 Different Vitamin Blends – Easily get essential vitamins with tasty and convenient honey sticks
  • No Artificial Ingredients – Finally enjoy taking vitamins without having to worry about any nasty added ingredients.
  • Easy to open honey sticks –  Anyone from children to elderly can open and use our Honey Sticks just by pinching or biting the top.
  • Tasty – Makes taking vitamins a treat and a great addition to smoothies, granola, oatmeal and much more!


Vitamin Honey is the combination of raw honey with essential vitamins. This makes taking vitamins easier and tastier than ever. Each pack comes with 10 easy to open honey sticks with a daily dose of vitamins.

Vitamin Honey is essential for those looking for a clean alternative to gummy vitamins, or those who are sick of taking an endless amount of vitamin pills.

Everyone from kids, to those with a busy lifestyle, enjoy the taste and convenience of Vitamin Honey. Now you never have to worry about forgetting to take your vitamins or trying to convince your family to take theirs.

Our goal with Vitamin Honey is to create a clean, convenient and tasty supplement solution. We try to minimize fillers and keep out ingredients to just honey and the vitamins. All of our vitamins are certified as USP grade and our products are manufactured in a facility that is GMP certified and allergen free. The purity and quality of our product is our top priority.


Get one pack of each of our blends – Vitamin C, D3 and Bs

10 Vitamin Honey sticks per Pack

Ethically Sourced and Manufactured in the USA

Raw Honey Sourced Locally from the USA

Made in a GMP Certified Facility

All Vitamins Used are USP grade

Nutritional Information

Vitamin C 

Ingredients: Raw Honey, Vitamin C (Ascorbic Acid).

Vitamin C 150mg (250%)

Vitamin D3

Ingredients: Raw Honey, MCT Oil (from palm), Vitamin D3 (Cholecalciferol).

Vitamin D3 250mcg (1,250%)

Vitamin Bs

Ingredients: Raw Honey, Orgen B’s® (Organic blend of extracts of Guava, Holy Basil, and Lemon) 75mg

Vitamin B1 1.65mg(150%) | Vitamin B2 1.5mg (136%) | Vitamin B3 2.55mg (18%) | Vitamin B5 2.85mg (57%) | Vitamin B6 2.85mg (127%) | Vitamin B9 52.5mcg (9%)

(% of DV)


*Due to coronavirus pandemic shipments may be delayed  a few days

Ships From US                                             Estimated time: 3-5 days



These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

Our Story

                                       Ethan                                     James



To provide a way for consumers to maintain their health in a tasty and transparent way.


Why Bizi:  

We created Bizi Vitamin Honey with the idea that taking your vitamins should not be a struggle. Talking to regular supplement users we found that many people are sick of taking an endless amount of pills and gummies every day. Many of these vitamins have unhealthy added ingredients that you have to be cautious of. We wanted to give everyone an alternative way to get vitamins without pills or gummies, and provide a simple vitamin supplement with minimal and clean ingredients.


James’ Story: 

At 16 my brother was diagnosed with Crohn’s disease, an autoimmune condition that restricts his absorption of nutrients and foods that he can process. We had gone on a family mission trip and when we returned he experienced immobilizing pain, at the time we did not know that Crohn’s was the cause of this. That year he had over 20 hospital visits and multiple doctors visits. It was frustrating to see him suffering as I thought there was nothing I could do to help. As a last ditch effort to help with his symptoms of Crohn’s he went on a specific carbohydrate diet where he found much relief from his condition.

Over the course of the next few years he went from those 20 hospital visits to 0. While this diet was helping him immensely, he was still lacking some of the micro nutrients he needed. Many of the supplements he had to take however had ingredients that would cause these flares and inflammation. In this diet there were only a few sweet items that were “safe” for him to have, one of them being honey. I noticed that he’d use honey on most of the foods he was eating. I realized, with the combination of raw honey and the pure vitamins he could get the nutrients he needed without having to worry about any unnecessary ingredients that might cause harm. There was finally a way that I could contribute to his health and combat the symptoms brought on by Crohn’s.


Ethan’s Story: 

Growing up I never never paid attention to anything that I ate. Vitamins and supplements were the last thing I was thinking of. I often felt tired and unenergetic however at the time it just seemed normal to me. As crazy as it sounds I never thought that my diet directly affected how I felt. My mom suggested that I might benefit from changing my diet, and even though I did not believe her, I tried anyways. Over the following month of eating healthy I had much more energy, and overall felt better. I was getting an optimum amount of nutrients that I likely had been lacking all my life. I didn’t know how much of a difference eating healthy would make.  After this I started to see food for its nutritional value instead of a way to keep me from going hungry. I started to plan out all of my meals, and rotated foods to make sure that I was getting a wide variety of nutrients. However this became very time consuming, in order to get all of the nutrients I wanted I had to strategically plan each meal of every day which also became quite expensive. This is when I learned the benefit of taking supplements, even though I would rather get vitamins from food, I found that sometimes I had to turn to supplements out of convenience.

From this I started to look at various supplements, and found that many contained additives that I have been told to avoid in food. Just like with my food I had to read all of the ingredients in my vitamins to make sure that they were clean. This seemed to be a common occurrence in the health world, people would eat healthy but often their supplements contained the exact things they were trying to avoid with food.


Building Bizi: 

While in college, we used our entrepreneurship classes we took to learn more about running the business and how to get it started. We competed in pitch competitions and ended up winning and receiving prize money. This gave us money to buy a honey centrifuge to start creating our products. Over the next year and a half we hand spun hundreds of honey sticks with multiple vitamin and mineral combinations to find the best fit. Eventually we decided on the ratios of what Bizi Vitamin Honey is today. Bizi has grown from an idea in the kitchen to a product in grocery stores and online! We link the best of the supplement world with the natural world to get a product that is tasty but also full of nutrients. Whether you are struggling with an autoimmune disease or just want to maintain your current health, we make staying healthy convenient and enjoyable for all.


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